Corporate Governance

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Procedures for Shareholders to propose a person for election as a director
The directors of the Company (the “Directors”) are pleased to present the corporate governance report for the year ended 31 December 2023 as follows.

The board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) is committed to enhancing the Group’s corporate governance standards by improving corporate transparency through effective channels of information disclosure. The Board believes that good corporate governance is beneficial for maintaining close and trustful relations with its employees, business partners, shareholders and investors.

The Company has adopted a corporate governance code prepared based on the code provisions (the “Code Provisions”) of the latest corporate governance code (the “Code”) as set out in Appendix 14 (restructured as Appendix C1 as from 31 December 2023) to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) as the guidelines for corporate governance of the Company, and has taken steps to comply with the Code wherever appropriate.

Terms used in this report shall have the same meaning as those defined in the Listing Rules unless the context otherwise requires.


Throughout the year ended 31 December 2023, the Company hascomplied with the Code Provisions with the following exceptions:

Under Code Provision C.2.1, the roles of chairman and chief executive should be separate and should not be performed by the same individual.

In year 2023, Mr. James Chun-Hsien Wei performs both of the roles as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer. The Board considers that this structure would not impair the balance of power and authority between the Board and the management of the Company. The Board comprises two executive Directors (including Mr. James Chun-Hsien Wei), five non-executive Directors and four independent non-executive Directors and therefore has a fairly strong independence in its composition and they meet regularly to discuss issues relating to the operation of the Company in order to provide adequate safeguards and protect the interests of the Company and its shareholders. In addition, after taking into account the past experience of Mr.James Chun-Hsien Wei, the Board is of the opinion that vesting the roles of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer in Mr. James Chun-Hsien Wei could facilitate the execution of the Group’s business strategies and enhance the effectiveness of its operation. Hence, the aforesaid deviation is appropriate and in the best interest of the Company at the present stage.

Under Code Provision C.6.1, the company secretary should be an employee of the Company and have the day-to-day knowledge of the Company’s affairs.

Ms. Cho Yi Ping (“Ms. Cho”), a partner of the Company’s Hong Kong legal advisers, has been appointed as the company secretary of the Company (the “Company Secretary”) with effect from 8 August 2016.

The Company has assigned a member of the senior management, Ms. Feng Yuxia, the head of legal department of the Company as the contact person with Ms. Cho. Ms. Cho is a practicing solicitor of Hong Kong with understanding of the Listing Rules. Her qualifications meet the requirements of the Listing Rules in terms of a company secretary of a listed issuer.Further, whenever necessary, the contact person assigned will promptly deliver information regarding the performance, financial positions and other major development and affairs of the Group to Ms. Cho. Having in place a mechanism that enables Ms. Cho to get hold of the Group’s development promptly without material delay and with her expertise and experience, the Board is confident that having Ms. Cho as the Company Secretary is beneficial to the Group’s compliance with the relevant board procedures, applicable laws, rules and regulations.

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