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Last update: 2024-12-02
Q: Which stock exchange is Natural Beauty ("NB") traded on? What is the NB stock code on Bloomberg and Reuters?
A: Natural Beauty shares were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) on 28 March 2002, under HKSE code "00157". NB stock code on Reuters is "157.hk".
Q: What is Natural Beauty's dividend and dividend pay-out policy?
A: Profits may be distributed by way of cash dividend, stock dividend, or a combination of cash and stock. Distribution of profits is made preferably by way of cash dividends. Our dividend pay-out ratio of cash dividends for FY2012 was 38.3% of the profits for the year. For more information, please click here.
Q: What is Natural Beauty's fiscal year?
A: Natural Beauty's fiscal year ends on 31st day of December.
Q: When the 2012 AGM will be held?
A: Natural Beauty 2012 Shareholders' Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at Room 2, United Conference Centre, 10/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong on 10 May 2013 (Friday) at 3:00 p.m. For details, please click here.
Q: Who are Natural Beauty's external auditors?
A: RSM Hong Kong. For more information, please click here.
Q: When was Natural Beauty's IPO?
A: Natural Beauty went public on 28 March 2002 at HK$0.55 per share.
Q: What is Natural Beauty's business model?
A: Natural Beauty's business model is vertically integrated. We perform our own research and development, and manufacture professional spa and skin-care products to ensure our product quality. The products are distributed through our own unique distribution channels, i.e. the franchisee spa network and department store counters.
Q: Where is Natural Beauty operating in?
A: Natural Beauty focus its operation in the Greater China Region, mainly China and Taiwan. NB also operates in other regions including Hong Kong, Macau and Malaysia.
Q: What are the strength of Natural Beauty?
A: Our strength is derived from our five core values:
* Extensive distribution network in Greater China
* Unique & comprehensive product range & services
* Renowned brand identity
* Strong R&D capabilities
* Professional Effective management of franchisees
Q: How many shares outstanding?
A: As of 31 December 2012, there were 2,002,100,932 shares outstanding. For latest issued number of shares, you can go to Hong Kong Stock Exchange website and search for our stock code "00157". Please click here Hong Kong Stock Exchange website
Q: How many outlets Natural Beauty has?
A: As as 31 December 2012, Natural Beauty had 1,498 outlets, including 1,454 spas and 44 counters.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of the annual report?
A: You can go to the Investor Relations website of www.nblife.com/ir, then select "Financial Reports" section to view and download. Alternatively you can go to Hong Kong Stock Exchange website http://www.hkexnews.hk/index.htm and search for our stock code (00157) to download. For more information, please click here.
Q: What I need to do if I am interested to join Natural Beauty franchise in China?
A: Please visit our Corporate Website (Chinese only) for benefits and competitive edges as a Natural Beauty franchisee. Leave your contact information and our franchise team will contact you as soon as possible. For details, please click here
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