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Last update: 2024-07-19
Board of Directors | Board Committees | Memorandum and Articles of Association | Corporate Governance Guidelines | Procedures for Nomination of Directors by Shareholders | Shareholders Communication Policy | List of Directors and their Roles and Functions | Treasury Policy | Report on Corporate Governance | Board Diversity Policy
Natural Beauty is committed to maintaining high standards of ethics, corporate governance and effective accountability mechanisms in every aspect of its business. Conducting business in a socially responsible and honest manner serves both the Company's and shareholders' long-term interests.

Natural Beauty periodically reviews and updates operating procedures  to ensure proper reporting and adequate internal controls. Other measures to safeguard shareholders' interests include the Company's effective board of directors and the prompt disclosure of relevant information to shareholders. Natural Beauty maintains high transparency with the timely release of information to shareholders and investors.

Natural Beauty also convenes post-results press conferences and analyst meetings, with top management present to answer questions.
Natural Beauty is committed to achieving high standards of corporate governance that properly protect and promote the interests of its shareholders.

Accordingly, the Board has established the audit committee and the remuneration committee with defined terms of reference which are of no less exacting terms than those set out in the Code on Corporate Governance Practices (the "Code on Corporate Governance") as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. These committees are chaired by independent non-executive directors. The Board considers the determination of the appointment and removal of directors to be the Board's collective decision and accordingly, it does not intend to adopt the recommended best practice of the Code on Corporate Governance to set up a nomination committee.

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