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Corporate Governance
The Company is committed to serving the long-term interests of shareholders by being transparent and employing sound business practices. This commitment extends to the prompt disclosure of relevant information in accordance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, as well as a continual determination to achieve high levels of ethics and corporate governance within every aspect of the Group’s business. The board of directors of the Company will continue to review and monitor the Group’s corporate governance practices from time to time with the aim of maintaining a high standard of corporate governance.

The Company has established an Audit Committee to ensure proper financial reporting and adequate internal controls. In addition, a Remuneration Committee has been established to determine the appropriate remuneration of directors and members of senior management and Nomination Committee has been established to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment of Directors and the management of the Board succession. The Company ensures that those committees are provided with sufficient resources to appropriately carry out their respective duties.

The Company firmly believes that transparency and sound business practices will lay the foundation for robust growth while maximizing shareholder returns.

Board of Directors

Our board of Directors consists of eight Directors, of whom four are executive Directors, one is non-executive Director and three are independent non-executive directors. The functions and duties conferred on the Board include: convening shareholders’ meetings and reporting their work to the shareholders’ meetings, implementing the resolutions of the shareholders’ meetings, determining the Company’s business plans and investment plans, formulating the Company’s annual budget and final accounts, formulating the Company’s proposals for dividend and bonus distributions and for the increase or reduction of registered capital as well as exercising other powers, functions and duties as conferred by the Articles of Association.

Corporate Governance Functions

The Board should be responsible for performing the corporate governance duties as follows:

(a) to develop and review the Company’s policies and practices on corporate governance and make recommendations;

(b) to review and monitor the training and continuous professional development of Directors and senior management;

(c) to review and monitor the Company’s policies and practices on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;

(d) to develop, review and monitor the code of conduct and compliance manual applicable to employees and Directors; and

(e) to review the Company’s compliance with the Corporate Governance Code in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules and disclosure in the Corporate Governance Report.

Investor Relations

The Company has established a shareholders’communication policy and review it on a regular basis to ensure its effectiveness. All the publications of the Company, including prospectus and annoucements, are available on the Stock Exchange's website at www.hkex.com.hk and the company’s own website www.pacific-textiles.com.
Audit Committee
Audit Committee - Terms of Reference (PDF, 704.92K)
Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference (PDF, 584.28K)
Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee - Terms of Reference (PDF, 270.16K)
Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a director
Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a director (PDF, 160.47K)
Shareholders Communication Policy
Shareholders Communication Policy (PDF, 187.03K)
Constitutional Documents
Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association (PDF, 257.85K)
Whistle-blowing Policy
Whistle-blowing Policy (PDF, 169.14K)
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct (PDF, 560.84K)
Sustainable Cotton Procurement Policy for suppliers (PDF, 339.54K)
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