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Announcement on behalf of Ray-Star Universal Solutions Limited for completion of capital reduction change registration


1.Date of the competent authority’s approval of capital reduction:2023/12/29
2.Date of completion of capitalization change registration:2023/12/29
3.Effect on the financial statements (including any discrepancy between the
amount of paid-in capital and the no.of shares outstanding, and the effect
on net worth per share):
 (1)The amount of paid-in capital reduction from US$ 469,980 thousands to
    US$ 169,364 thousands
 (2)The no.of shares outstanding, and the effect on net worth per share : NA
4.Plan for expected share replacement operations:NA
5.Estimated no.of listed common shares after capital reduction and new issue:
6.Estimated no.of listed common shares as a percentage of issued common
shares after capital reduction and new issue (No.of common shares after
capital reduction/No.of issued common shares):NA
7.Countermeasures for poor circulation of equity if the aforesaid estimated
no.of listed common shares does not reach 60 million shares and the
percentage does not reach 25% after capital reduction:NA
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:
 Received the notice from the agency on January 3, 2024

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