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Corrections on derivative transaction information of October 2020.


1.Date of occurrence of the event:2020/12/18
2.Company name:TPK Universal Solutions Limited
3.Relationship with the Company (please enter ”the company itself”
or ”subsidiaries”):subsidiaries
4.Reciprocal shareholding percentage:100%
5.Cause of occurrence:Corrections on derivative
transaction information of October 2020.
6.Information items/ statements to be corrected:
Derivative transaction information of October 2020.
7.Amounts/ contents/ number of page to be corrected:
Forward contract
Total amount of contract of Settled Position:
NTD31,873,390 thousand
The amount of realized gain(loss)recognized this year of
Settled Position:NTD112,185 thousand
8.Amounts/ contents/ number of page after correction:
Forward contract
Total amount of contract of Settled Position:
NTD31,873,410 thousand
The amount of realized gain(loss)recognized this year of
Settled Position:NTD115,551 thousand
9.Countermeasures:Re-upload to the Market Observation
Post System(MOPS) after correction.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None

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